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Ciao, sono Sandy!

I was born in the capital of Savoy, in Italy, but like all the other Turinese, my family comes from the "Kingdom of the two Sicilies".

Living in Italy has allowed me to philosophize on the meaning of the good quality of life and the value of culture.

Growing up, I realized that I was inclined to drawing and this is the essence of my personality.

Over the years, my hand have traced lines through different supports: pencil, pen, brush, digital pen... developing more interesting projects.

Leaving the Polytechnic vortex I needed to go around the Europe; after all, I am a traveler and it is interesting to combine business with pleasure.

I moved to Poland, where I worked in the Architecture department of the Kielce Institute of Design in a stimulating, creative and positive atmosphere. 

This is what I look for in my ideal work environment.

At the end of this adventure, I won a scholarship of the European Parliament and I move to Alsace, working in the European Parliament Department of Architecture in Strasbourg,.

A more formal and less creative period, but it gave me the opportunity to live unique experiences in Brussels, to visit corners of Europe that I might never have considered and to strengthening my skills in Graphic Design.

I left Strasbourg because I need  to test myself in a more stimulating reality, so I flew to London, without project plans.

It was hard, but at the same time it was my most creative genuine time.

London it's good just for a limited time, then you run away.

Now, I am in a nomad period of my life where I follow  the most interesting and inspiring projects.


I studied at the Art School, because drawing is the best way to spend my time .

In the third year, I decided to be rationale and I have specialized in Architecture; I continued on that direction at the university,  where I graduated at the Polytechnic school of Turin, in 2014.

I became a "Doctor in Architecture", with a thesis on "social planning"; I realized that:

environmental design exists and is what the world needs.


I am passionate about languages: I speak English, French, a little bit of Portuguese and Chinese.
I think that Art will save the world and that

the eco-sustainable choices of the individual can make a difference for everyone.
I am a visionary and a dreamer because it is what the world need.

These lines should more or less convey the essence of what I am and how I became it; I  hope also to have  transmitted my irony.
I will put below some information on personal projects, publications and similar to, because in these years I have reached some results:




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